Depression / Anxiety / OCD
Are you one of the millions of Americans living with one Depression/Anxiety/OCD? Are you experiencing symptoms but aren’t sure what’s happening or what to do? Maybe you were diagnosed in the past and have decided you are now determined and ready to get your life back again.
The process of getting a good diagnosis is not as simple as “yes” or “no.” Each mental health condition exists on a continuum, ranging from a little to a lot. We all experience situational depression at points in our lives, a time when we are presented with undesirable and unwelcome challenges but manage to find our way through. However, you may find that nothing unusual or upsetting has occurred but you are struggling with painful emotions that affect your ability to function normally and successfully in your life. Depression comes in many different forms, ranging from long-term, low-level depression to battling the ups and downs of Bipolar Disorder (formerly Manic Depression).
Everyone feels anxious sometimes. Our bodies release adrenaline to help us cope with and survive situations ranging from being uncomfortable giving a speech or taking a test to life-threatening events. But when anxiety reactions occur as if the body is under threat of attack yet no real threat exists, anxiety and/or panic disorder may be the culprit.
Many of us maybe a little compulsive about having the clothes in our closet color-matched or having every tool in place in the garage, but we do not qualify for a diagnosis. However, losing jobs because you are unable to get to work on time because you must repeatedly drive back home to make sure you locked the front door, or you must drive back to a place you left earlier to make sure you didn’t run anyone over with your car, could be the work of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
Just as a diagnosis can sometimes be a complicated process, getting the right treatment plan designed especially for you is the job of trained professionals. Treatments are available to help you live a healthy and productive life. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) has proven successful for many without requiring the use of medications while for others medication prescribed by a physician combined with CBT provides the best outcome. Having your own guide through this often complicated process can mean the difference between a successful outcome and just more frustration. Help is available! Contact Darlene Cross, providing help for Depression/Anxiety/OCD in Las Vegas and Henderson.